Smile and Let Your Dentures Shine


We craft dentures that are tailored to fit your mouth perfectly, ensuring comfort and functionality.

Dentures Services

We specialise in creating custom dentures that look natural and feel comfortable.


What are Dentures?

Dentures are artificial teeth designed to replace missing teeth partially or fully. They are a cost effective way of improving facial shape and chewing efficiency, giving you a healthy new smile.

The loss of teeth can lead to several discomforting situations such as not being able to consume food, difficulty in speaking and it also affects the overall look. They can be classified into 2 categories: Complete and Removable Partial. Although not as cozy as the prostheses that are fixed, the maneuverability of removable sets are an attractive feature to many patients.

From initial consultation to fitting and follow-up care, we provide a complete range of denture services to meet your needs.

Why Should I Opt for Dentures?

Complete Denture is an acrylic component and acts as a removable replacement for the entire teeth in the mouth. It is well within budget and easily fixed. They are most appropriate for patients where implant-supported dentures are not viable.

Removable partial ones are another feasible alternative of replacement for few absent teeth. They are acrylic in nature and take support from the ridge and the nearby natural teeth.

Mouths which have missing teeth will not be the same from another suffering the same predicament. Hence each will require tailor-made procedures to make sure of the success in the manufacturing of prostheses.

What Are the Advantages?
  • They help you in consuming your food easier
  • Enhance the overall aesthetics of mouth
  • Aids immensely with speech and boosts facial muscle support
  • Simple to preserve and polish.
  • Unchallenging to fix
  • Upgrades your level of self confidence
  • Lasts longer if maintained properly
  •  Helps in defending the remaining set of teeth from wear
Proper Care Instructions:

Our denture specialist or Prosthodontist in Dubai will advise on how to take care so that your set lasts for a longer period of time. Some of them are:

  • Make sure to take them off before going to sleep and to store them in water or denture cleaners that are mild in nature after thorough cleaning
  • Whisk them with a toothbrush which has soft bristles. You can also complement them with non-abrasive toothpastes and cleaning aids specifically for them
  • Cleanse them after consumption of food to detach food particles
  • Refrain from using hot water or bleach to cleanse them as they can lead to warpage
  • Post detachment, make it a point to wash your mouth
  • Be vigilant while taking care of them
  • Return or restore any set which might not fit you

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What is the expected timeline to do a complete denture?


The entire process needs 4-5 visits to the prosthodontist. Also certain corrections may need to be made after their usage has been started.

Are there any downsides I should look out for while using the complete denture?


It needs to be taken out and cleansed on a regular basis.

  • It requires restoration or fixing over the course of time due to reabsorption of bone underneath.
  • If not properly maintained it can lead to damage.
  • Compared to fixed prosthesis, it does not feel that pleasant.
  • It can feel rickety and huge at times.
  • Due to the new upper denture, gag reflexes can happen.
  • Several issues can occur due to poor maintenance.

Is it possible to select a colour which is similar to the remaining teeth?


It is indeed attainable to match the color of the false teeth with the one to your natural teeth. Consulting a prosthodontist can illuminate you further on the area regarding shade matching.

What does Denture adhesives mean?


They are mixtures that are administered on the fitting surface to glue them tight. They can help in strengthening the dentures hence saving any embarrassment that could occur in social situations.

I am not able to speak in the usual manner after getting my new complete denture. What measures should I undertake to overcome this?


It is quite natural to have some problems related to speech for the first few days after you have obtained a new denture. To conquer this problem, bite and swallow before speaking and while conversing with family members, try to slow the pace of speech. Reading in a loud manner also helps.

Are my remaining teeth in danger due to removable partial dentures?


If not manufactured in a proper manner, it may damage the tissues which are soft and hence causing teeth wear. Also make sure to maintain good oral health to block off any cavities or gum disease.

When comparing both metal and plastic partial dentures, which do you think is the most efficient one?


Plastic ones are thin and malleable while cast partial sets have proven to be more long lasting and show a good track record. Consulting your prosthodontist can throw light up on the one apt for you.

Is it necessary to dip my set in water when I am not availing its use?


Traditional acrylic sets tend to get dried if not dipped at the right intervals. This can ultimately lead to the contraction and loosening.

My dentures are giving off a foul smell. What can I do to prevent them?


If not taken proper care of, the harmful bacteria present can grow and this can result in bad odour. This can be prevented by the use of cleansers or the use of a soft-bristle toothbrush to get rid of the lumber. You can complement this with a non abrasive toothpaste too.

What do you mean by denture stomatitis?


It is an inflammatory condition which arises due to the prolonged use of denture or due to its ill fit. It can also be caused due to yeast infection, mechanical trauma, or allergy. The mucosa that is present is red and swollen showing signs of bleeding spots too. The palate region is the one that is affected mostly. You can avail treatment to put a stop to this using antifungal therapy, proper managing of any underlying condition, improving the fit and enhancing overall oral hygiene.

Book an Appointment With Your Doctor NOW!

Ready for a brighter smile? Schedule your appointment with Dr. Paul’s Dental Clinic today and experience exceptional dental care.