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When and Why Wisdom Tooth Removal is Necessary and Can it Be Prevented?

July 21, 2023

wisdom teeth extraction

When and Why Wisdom Tooth Removal is Necessary and Can it Be Prevented?

You might be all too familiar with the discomfort caused by your wisdom teeth. While many wonder if wisdom tooth removal can be avoided, it’s essential to understand the reasons why it becomes necessary.

Wisdom teeth, the third molar, are the final set of teeth to develop in the human mouth. They typically come out between the ages of 17 and 25, hence the term “wisdom tooth,” as they are thought to appear when a person is older and wiser.

Many people experience complications with their wisdom teeth due to a lack of sufficient space in the mouth for them to fully emerge. They may grow at odd angles or become impacted and trapped against other teeth. If you are in this stage, it is important to immediately consult a dental surgeon for wisdom tooth removal. Otherwise, It can lead to various issues, such as pain, infection, crowding, tooth decay, and damage to adjacent teeth.

As a result, wisdom tooth extraction is a common dental procedure. Dentists and oral surgeons often recommend their removal to prevent potential problems and maintain overall oral health. However, in cases where the wisdom teeth are healthy, properly positioned, and causing no issues, extraction may not be necessary.

Read this blog post to know when is wisdom tooth removal absolutely necessary and if it can be avoided.

Are Wisdom Teeth Important?

Most people wonder why dentists recommend a wisdom tooth extraction. If humans have wisdom teeth, wouldn’t they have a purpose? How does extracting this set of molars impact us? The answer to this question is simple.

People in the past needed wisdom teeth because their diets and eating habits differed greatly from ours. However, our cooking and eating techniques have evolved, and our bodies have evolved too. Today, you don’t really need wisdom teeth, and you can do just fine without them.

Many people are born without wisdom teeth. Most people who have wisdom teeth get them extracted. Who knows, maybe in the future, nobody will be born with wisdom teeth.

So, no – wisdom teeth aren’t important. And no, they don’t make you any wiser.


When is Wisdom Tooth Removal  Absolutely Necessary?

Wisdom tooth extraction isn’t an emergency procedure. The dentist examines your teeth closely and sees how the tooth eruption progresses. However, if the patient complains about pain, the dentist may immediately go for a wisdom tooth extraction.

Below are some conditions in which wisdom tooth removal becomes necessary:


Wisdom tooth erupts much later in life when all other teeth have already erupted and fallen and are replaced by adult teeth. These adult teeth don’t leave much space for new molars, so the wisdom tooth doesn’t erupt properly (impaction).

They stay completely or partially beneath the gum line. Now, this situation isn’t the most ideal. If the tooth erupts only partially, it’ll open the gum flap slightly. Bacteria and food particles can get trapped and increase the chances of infection. The risk of tooth decay due to bacteria growth is also high. Both conditions can be extremely painful; getting the wisdom tooth fully extracted once and for all might be the only solution.



As we said earlier, by the time wisdom teeth erupt, there’s not enough space for wisdom teeth. Not everyone has a big enough arch to accommodate new teeth. When the wisdom tooth erupts, it results in overcrowding. Overcrowding changes the dynamics of your bite and can even cause recurring headaches and pain. In this case, not getting the wisdom tooth extracted isn’t an option.



Wisdom teeth are located far behind in the oral cavity, making it hard for you to reach them with your toothbrush. Food particles and bacteria stick to them, increasing the risk of cavities. Treating cavities so far behind in the mouth is difficult for the same reasons. If the wisdom teeth with cavities aren’t removed, they’ll also damage the adjacent teeth. So, if your wisdom teeth have a cavity, wisdom tooth removal becomes absolutely necessary.


Jaw Cysts

The wisdom tooth is surrounded by a sac inside the jawbone. If you don’t get your wisdom tooth extracted, the sac is likely filled with fluid which can form a cyst. Cysts in the jaw are extremely painful and can cause damage to nearby nerves, teeth, and jaw bones. The cyst can even destroy the bone around the cyst. Wisdom tooth extraction is necessary to avoid the formation of jaw cysts.

Damage to Adjacent Teeth

If the wisdom tooth erupts abnormally, which is most often the case, they press into the adjacent molars. The constant pressure on the adjacent teeth can damage them. They may even become misaligned, which can change your bite pattern and cause stress to the joints and muscles of the jaw.



Another complication that makes wisdom tooth extraction necessary is pericoronitis. It’s a gum tissue disease in which gum tissue becomes inflamed and infected. The condition is painful and even causes a bad taste in the mouth. You may even face difficulty opening your mouth.


Can Wisdom Tooth Extraction Be Avoided?

In some cases, the wisdom tooth erupts at the right angle and doesn’t cause any problems. In that case, you can choose not to get your wisdom tooth extracted. However, the chances that your wisdom tooth may create problems for you in the future are high.

Getting your wisdom tooth removed before it becomes a problem is always better. However, if your wisdom tooth is causing pain, you can’t (and shouldn’t) delay getting it removed. The pain will only grow worse, not better. So, there’s no point in waiting on it.

Closing Word

If your wisdom tooth eruption is causing pain and discomfort, your best option is to get it extracted. Visit for wisdom tooth extraction in Dubai dental clinic and get your teeth inspected. Our dentists are experienced, and you’ll be done with the minor surgical procedure for wisdom tooth extraction in no time. If you think the procedure will be painful, you need not worry. The dentist will numb the area, and you won’t experience any pain. Painkillers can help you manage the pain when the numbness wears off.


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wisdom tooth extraction

wisdom tooth extraction in Dubai

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